Identifying a Fastener for Your Requirement

Fasteners can be quoted as the building blocks of the entire infrastructure around that we see on a daily basis. From heavy machinery to even smallest of gadgets, Fasteners play a key role in assembling of all the relevant parts of the required Business model or structure without getting visible to naked eyes. Moreover when it comes to finding out the best Fastener for your purpose, there are a number of key characteristics that needs to be looked forward to. These include fastener type (ex: drive type, head type), material (ex: stainless steel, zinc plated steel, etc), fastener diameter, length and thread count also been called as pitch count.
Fastener Type
The various types of fasteners range from the machine screw to carriage bolts to lag bolts and eye bolts. Each of the given fasteners has their own specific usage according to their design but there are still many of them that are used universally. Head styles are also different, ranging from flat head, which has a flat top with countersunk head to a hex head which has a hexagonal head, this head type is often shortened as HH or HX. Similar to the fastener types, the head type works best in few specific applications while others goes good universally with almost any type of application.
Fasteners Materials
Just like the definite fastener types there are also many fastener materials used for some specific applications. Out of them, Steel is one of the most commonly used fastener material which comes in various grades on the basis of their tensile strength from Grade 2 to Alloy steel, which is the strongest grades in Steel materials. Another reason for Stainless steel as the most commonly used Fastener material is its corrosion resistance property.
Apart from steel and stainless steel fasteners there are other materials like silicone bronze (usually termed as bronze), brass and aluminum fasteners, which have their own characteristics perfect for some specific conditions and applications.
Fastener Diameter
While looking at the Diameter factor of a fastener, there are a number of different locations in which one can measure the same. Out of them, thread diameter, shank diameter and root diameter are the most commonly used ones.
Fastener Length
The length of a fastener and the standard of its measurement can be usually determined by the head of the fastener. While length is generally measured from the surface of the fastener till its end, fasteners that got a head that shows up above the surface like hex bolts, the measurement stays from under the head to the end of the fastener.
Thread/Pitch Count
The Term Thread and pitch count is only used on fasteners that have machine thread i.e. they take a nut or thread into a tapped hole. The thread count generally quotes about how close enough the threads of the fastener are.
These are the most certain features which are used in order to identify an appropriate fastener for almost every business or personal needs in the common world. So while you look forward for a fastener for your own specific need, you can easily recognize which ones fits best for your purpose.